"One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words." Goethe

Monday, October 29, 2012


I did not get around to posting this on Paint and Draw Together in time, but I enjoyed painting it.  When I thought I was finished I took it to class and Mark Weber said the shadows needed to be darker--that the shadows ALWAYS need to be darker in a painting.  It made an amazing difference.  I wanted to change painting styles after doing two realistic works, so I am currently working on a very loose rendering of a pond behind my house.  The basics are in, but I'll see how far I get tomorrow. 

Saturday night, Meredith and I went to Waterfire in Kansas City.  It is a fabulous arts festival on Brush Creek by the Plaza that features artists singing or playing--everything from opera to jazz--on the bridges and on stages on the banks of the creek while 50+ bonfires burn in the water.  Stunning.


  1. Hello Jeneen:) I love your orchids and bowl. Very tight. The colors you've used for the orchids are wonderful. Great job done!
